Fees and charges for RVO ESMAF members

For Individuals

For Individual
New Primary Membership  Registered Valuers Membership
S.No. Fee TypeOrdinary member Fee for offline class (Fee+GST) As per the guideline of IBBI dated 10.07.20 - Fee for Online Class Refundable/Non refundable S.No. Fee Type Fee details (Fee+GST) Offline As per the guideline of IBBI dated 10.07.20 - Fee for Online Class Refundable/Non refundable
Valuer Member
1. Membership Fee 7500.00 (incl. GST) 6490.00 (incl. GST) Non refundable 1. - - - -
2. Education Course Fee (non-members) 20000.00 + 3600.00 15254.00 + 2746.00 Non refundable 2. Continues Education Course Fee (members) As applicable + GST @ 18% As applicable (20% lower than our offline CEP) + GST @ 18% Non refundable
3. Enrolment fee Nil Nil NA 3. Enrolment fee per asset class Nil Nil NA
4. Annual membership fee 5000.00 + 900.00 Same Non refundable 4. Annual membership fee 10000.00 + 1800 Same Non refundable
5. Study material fee Nil NA NA 5. Study material fee Nil Nil NA
6. Fee for shifting to another RVO 0.00 - 1,000.00 (at actual) + GST @ 18% Same Non refundable 6. Fee for shifting to other RVO 0.00 - 1,000.00 (at actual) + GST @ 18% Same Non refundable
7. Fee for shifting from another RVO Nil NA NA 7. Fee for shifting from another RVO Nil Nil NA
8. _ _ _ _ 8. Training for individual member before issuance of Certificate of practice (one time only) 6000.00 + 1080.00 4000.00 + 720.00 Non refundable
9. _ _ _ _ 9. Additional Asset class enrolment fee Nil Nil NA
10. _ _ _ _ 10. Additional Asset class, Annual membership fee Nil Nil NA

For Company and Partnership Entity

For Company and Partnership Entity
New Primary Membership  Registered Valuers Membership
Sl. No. Fee TypeOrdinary member Fee details (Fee+GST) Offline Refundable/Non refundable S.No. Fee Type Fee details (Fee+GST) Refundable/Non refundable
Valuer Member
1. Processing fee for two or above Asset classes 15000.00 + 2700.00 Non refundable 1. Enrolment fee for two or above Asset classes 40000.00 + 7200.00 Non refundable
2. _ _ _ 2. Annual membership fee for two or above Asset classes 40000.00 + 7200.00 Non refundable
3. Processing fee for single Asset classes 15000.00 + 2700.00 Non refundable 3. Enrolment fee for single Asset classes 30000.00 + 5400.00 Non refundable
4. _ _ _ 4. Annual membership fee for single asset class 30000.00 + 5400.00 Non refundable
5. _ _ _ 5. Additional Asset class, Entry fee 10000.00 + 1800.00 Non refundable
6. Fee for shifting to another RVO 0.00 - 1,000.00 (at actual) + GST @ 18% Non refundable 6. Fee for shifting to other RVO 0.00 - 1,000.00 (at actual) + GST @ 18% Non refundable
7. Fee for shifting from another RVO Nil NA 7. Fee for shifting from another RVO Nil NA
8. Addition of the Director 2000.00 + 360.00 Non Refundable

Fee for generate duplicate certificate Rs. 1000/- + GST

Fee for any change in certificate Rs. 1000/- + GST

Fees for filing a complaint in the Grievance Redressal cell is Rs. 1000/- + GST.


For FY 2025-2026

Discount on Primary Membership renewal last date has been extended upto 31st March 2025, members can renew their membership with RVO ESMA Foundation in due time to avoid further complications.