RVO Estate Managers & Appraisers Foundation | IBBI RECOGNISED RVO



Mr. Debashis Kundu


Mr. Raj Kumar Banerjee


Mr. Someslal Mukherjee



Registered ValuersOrganisatioin Estate Managers & Appraisers Foundation RVO ESMA Foundation is a Section 8 company incorporated under the Companies Act, 2013 and recognized by Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI) under Regulation 13(5) of the Companies (Registered Valuers and Valuation) Rules, 2017 (Rules). RVO ESMA Foundationhas adopted the Bye Laws, which are in line with the Model Bye Laws prescribed in the Rules (Bye Laws). In terms of Bye Law 21(1), it is necessary to formulate a Grievance Redressal Policy and constitute a Grievance Redressal Committee for receiving, redressing and disclosing grievances against RVO ESMA Foundationor any member of RVO ESMA Foundation, by any member, any person who has engaged the services of members, any other person as may be provided by the Governing Board. The Governing Board of RVO ESMA Foundationhas constituted a Grievance Redressal Committee.


  • In this policy, unless the context otherwise requires:
  • RVO ESMA Foundation means Registered ValuersOrganisaitonEstate Managers & Appraisers Foundation ;
  • aggrieved means a stakeholder who has filed a grievance with the Committee on failing to get his grievance redressed from the concerned Member or the RVO ESMA
  • Bye Laws of RVO ESMA Foundation‟ means Bye-Laws of RVO ESMA FoundationRegistered Valuers Organisation (d)Rules‟ means the Companies (Registered Valuers and Valuation) Rules, 2017;
  • Committee‟ means Grievance Redressal Committee of the RVO ESMA Foundationas may be constituted by the Governing Board from time to time;
  • Grievance‟ means written expression by a stakeholder of his suffering on account of conduct of Member enrolled with RVO ESMA Foundationand registered with IBBI as Registered Valuer or RVO ESMA Foundation. The terms grievance‟and complaint‟ may be used

h)Governing Board‟ means Governing Board as defined under Clause 4 (1)(c) of Bye Laws;

  • IBBI‟ means the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India; (j)Model Bye Laws‟ means model bye laws as contained in Rules; (k)Committee Member‟ means member of the Committee and includes Chairperson of the said Committee;
  • Policy means the Grievance Redressal Policy of RVO ESMA Foundation; (k)Member‟ means individual enrolled with RVO ESMA

(l)Stakeholder‟ means any member of the RVO ESMA Foundation; any person who has engaged the services of the concerned member of the RVO ESMA Foundation; or anyother person or class of persons as may be provided by the GoverningBoard.

  • The words and expressions used and not defined in this Policy, but defined in the Rules, shall have the same meaning as assigned to them in the

The Organisation have a committee to address grievance redressal

Mr. Debashis Kundu


Mr. Raj Kumar Banerjee


Mr. Someslal Mukherjee


3. Objective

  • The purpose of this Policy is to set forth the policies and procedures to be followed in receiving, handling and responding to any grievance against members .
  • To provide fair and equal treatment to all subscribers without bias at all times.
  1. 3. To ensure that all issues raised by complainant are dealt with courtesy and resolved in stipulated timelines.
  • To develop an adequate and timely organizational framework to promptly address and resolve Grievances fairly and
  • To provide enhanced level of
  • To provide easy accessibility to the Complainant for an immediate Grievance
  • To put in place a monitoring mechanism to oversee the functioning of the Grievance Handling Policy. How to raise the grievance
  • The complaint should be lodged with the organization as per the prescribed manner by the complainant at the earliest within the reasonable time but not later than 60 days from the date of

However, the said time limit can be extended by the said committee if sufficient ground is shown by the complainant up to the satisfaction of the committee.

In this regard the decision of the said committee is final.

Grievances shall be communicated in the prescribed format (Annexure I or II as the case may be). The grievance(s) should be submitted through the following modes:

  • Email:

The subscriber may write to

  • Subscriber may raise the grievance by writing us to the following address: Grievance Redressal Officer Organizations

House No.208,Block-HB Salt lake City


Branches of this organization:

Visit any branch to register complaints either in the Complaint Register available at all branches or directly with Grievance Redressal Official of the branch.

  • Any complaint against a member alleging professional or other misconduct shall be filed, in such format as may be prescribed by RVO ESMA Foundation, disclosing the identity of the person filing the complaint, along with all the relevant documents, in triplicate and addressed to RVO ESMA Foundation either in person or by registered/speed A scanned copy of the complaint along with the annexure(s) shall also be provided by way of electronic means to RVO ESMA Foundation. The complainant shall certify that the hard copy of the complaint is the exact replica of the complaint filed in the electronic form. A complaint shall be deemed to have been received on the day when the complaint, cured of all defects, is received in both the above formats.
  • A stakeholder, who wishes to file a grievance, shall file it with the RVO ESMA Foundationin Annexure I or II along with a demand draft/Cheques/Payorder/Bank transfer of Rs. 1000/-( One thousand only ) drawn in favour of the RVO ESMA Foundation payable at

5. Acknowledgements

An acknowledgement shall be sent to the complainant within three working days of the receipt of the grievance. Acknowledgement shall contain Date of receipt of complaint/grievance, Unique Grievance Number, Expected date for resolution of grievance, Name, Designation and Contact details of Officer, and manner and mode of tracking resolution of grievance/complaint with the Unique Grievance Number.

6. Redressal of Grievance

  • The complaint letter / email should contain the Application number/ other relevant reference number, Complainants name, address and contact details, copies of supporting documents, wherever
  • All the complaints shall be registered in the Grievance Register of the Organization and shall be assigned a unique reference
  • The complaint shall be redresses as early as possible and within a maximum of 30 days of the receipt of the
  • The Committee, after examining the grievance, and the facts associated with it shall take a decision recording the reasons thereof and may:
  1. Dismiss the grievance if it comes to conclusion that the grievance is devoid of merit by recording its reasons briefly, or
  2. Refer the matter to the Disciplinary Committee, if deemed appropriate, or
  • Direct the parties to seek mediation as a means of redressal of

The Grievance Redressal Committee shall refer the matter to Disciplinary CommiteeWhenver the grievance warrants disciplinary action.

If the member of the said committee think it proper to settle the grievance by way of conciliation between the parties, the said committee will hear both the parties on a date fixed after giving reasonable opportunity to place their grievances and will try to find out mediation mechanism to redress the grievances. In that event the said committee will pass appropriate order, which will be binding upon both the parties. Both parties will have a maximum of 7 (seven) working days from the date of receipt of communication to decide whether or not to take part in the mediation process.

6.5. Provision of a report of the grievance and mediation proceedings to the parties to the grievance upon dismissal or resolution of the grievance.

6.6 The decision of the said committee either in case of dismissal of grievance or resolution of the grievance will be communicated to the complainant and concerned parties within the 7 working days said above.

7. Closure of grievance:

  • Every grievance shall be disposed off within a period of thirty days of its receipt and a final reply shall be sent to the complainant, containing details of resolution or rejection of the complaint, with reasons thereof recorded in
  • A grievance shall be considered as disposed off and closed in any of the following instances, namely:

i]if the aggrieved has not responded within fifteen (15) working days of the receipt of any written communication from Grievance Redressal Officer seeking further details/clarification;

  1. where the aggrieved has withdrawn his/her grievance;
  • where the matter has been referred by the Committee to Disciplinary Committee of RVO ESMA Foundation;
  1. where the Committee has dismissed the grievance if it is felt to be devoid of merit;
  2. where the subject matter of grievance is pending before a court, tribunal
  1. where the grievance has been resolved during the mediation

8. Action to be taken in case of malicious or false complaints

  • In case the said Committee, on investigation of the complaint, finds that a false complaint has been made or that a complaint has been made with a malicious intent, the Committee shall take such reasonable steps forthwith as they deem necessary to curb the initiation of such false and malicious The decision of the said committee is final in this regard.
  • A mere inability to provide adequate proof to substantiate the complaint shall not be construed as false and malicious


The Grievance Redressal Mechanism will be monitored and reviewed by the Grievance Redressal Committee at quarterly intervals and bi-annually by the Governing Board of RVO.

The Policy may be amended from time to time by the Governing Board and will remain in force till further instructions of the Governing Board.

10. Maintenance of Records

The Commmittee shall preserve records in physical or digital pertaining to grievance/complaint received, resolution and closure of the grievance for 8 years.


(In case of Member)

To ,

The Grievance RedressalCommittee, House No.208,Block-HB

Salt lake City Kolkata-700097

Details of the aggrieved

  1. Name of the aggrieved:
  2. Designation (if any) of the aggrieved:
  3. Registration Number (if any):
  4. Identity of the aggrieved: Aadhar No
  5. Complete address for correspondence with the aggrieved (along with Email ID and Mobile No.):
  6. Relationship, if any, with the Member against whom the grievance is Please specify details): Details of Member against whom grievance redressal is sought
  7. Name of Member:
  8. Registration Number (if any):
  9. Name of the Entity (if any):
  10. Complete address for correspondence with the aggrieved (along with Email ID and Mobile No.): Details of the grievance
  11. Brief nature of the grievance
  12. Details of the conduct of Member that has caused the suffering to the aggrieved including date of occurrence of grievance :
  13. Details of suffering, whether pecuniary or otherwise, the aggrieved has undergone:
  14. How the conduct of Member has caused the suffering of the aggrieved:
  15. Details of his efforts to get the grievance redressed from Member as the case may be and why the response, if any, of the Member is not
  • Relevant Sections of the Act/ Rule which are violated:
  1. Details of Payment of Fee:
  2. Nature of remedy sought:
  3. Any other relevant information:
  4. Supporting documents to the grievance, if any (Please provide as annexures to this form)


I,_ the aggrieved, do hereby declare that what is stated above is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I also declare that subject matter of grievance raised above is not pending before any court, tribunal etc.

Verified today theday of_, 20_at_

Date: Name and Signature of the Aggrieved Place: NOTE:

  1. Only a grievance against Member enrolled with RVO ESMA Foundation should be
  1. The grievance and its enclosures should be filed in triplicate, duly signed by the aggrieved and should be in English language. Any documents in Hindi or in any Regional Language should be sent along with English translation thereof, duly verified as true copy‟.


(In case of RVO)

To ,

The Grievance Redressal Committee, House No.208,Block-HB

Salt lake City Kolkata-700097

Details of the aggrieved

  1. Name of the aggrieved:
  2. Designation (if any) of the aggrieved:
  3. Registration Number (if any):
  4. Identity of the aggrieved: Aadhar No
  5. Complete address for correspondence with the aggrieved (along with Email ID and Mobile ):
  6. Details of the grievance
  7. Details of the conduct of RVO ESMA Foundation that has caused the suffering to the aggrieved including date of occurrence of grievance :
  8. Details of suffering, whether pecuniary or otherwise, the aggrieved has undergone:
  9. Any other relevant information
  10. Supporting documents to the grievance, if any (Please provide as annexures to this form) Verification

I,the aggrieved, do hereby declare that what is stated above is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I also declare that subject matter of grievance raised above is not pending before any court, tribunal etc.

Verified today the_ day of, 20_ at

Name and Signature of the Aggrieved Date:



  1. Only a grievance against RVO ESMA Foundationshould be
  2. The grievance and its enclosures should be filed in triplicate, duly signed by the Aggrieved and should be in English Any documents in Hindi or in any Regional Language should be sent along with English translation thereof, duly verified as true copy‟.

For FY 2025-2026

Discount on Primary Membership renewal last date has been extended upto 31st March 2025, members can renew their membership with RVO ESMA Foundation in due time to avoid further complications.