RVO Estate Managers & Appraisers Foundation | IBBI RECOGNISED RVO
A person must fulfill the eligibility criteria and qualifications as per the provisions of Rules 3 and 4 of the said Rules to be a member of I.Esma.
The members of I.Esma are divided into two classes designated respectively as
(i) Primary Membership.
(ii) Registered Valuer Membership.
Primary Membership – The person who is otherwise eligible for the Membership, as above, must pay the fees, as being determined by I.Esma from time to time, for having his / her membership under the above head and the same would be notified in our official website. The said member will get the certificate by Registered Post within a period of 15 days after the enrolment.
In the event, the said member wishes to attend 50 hours Class Room Programme as per the said Rules must pay an additional fees as may be determined by I.Esma from time to time and the same would be notified in the official website.
Registered Valuer Membership – A Primary member, after passing the Valuation Examination as per the said Rules, would be eligible for the above membership of I.Esma. Before enrolling of the said membership, the member must pay the further fee as determined by I.Esma from time to time, to be notified in the official website. After compliance of all formalities including payment of all requisite fees of I.Esma, the said member will get the Photo ID and Certificate by Registered Post within one month after the enrolment.
In any event, the process of enrolment as members of I.Esma would be made strictly as per the said Rules.
I.Esma has Code of Conduct to guide the members and to raise the level of trust and confidence of the Public in the profession of Valuers. All members must express their commitment to the Code when they join I.Esma and to the subsequent changes to the Code, which may be agreed from time to time. The said Code applies to both categories of members of I.Esma.
The Rules and procedures for dealing with any allegation of infringement against the Code are described in I.Esma’s Policy relating to Disciplinary Proceedings for which Grievance Redressal Mechanism has been adopted as per the said Rules. I.Esma has also adopted and made it applicable the said policy relating to Disciplinary Proceedings and Grievance Redressal Mechanism in respect of both categories of its members.
However, I.Esma has its Monitoring Policy to Monitor the conduct of members as well as their professional activities afterwards.
The Members must inform immediately to I.Esma regarding initiation of any proceeding in respect of any offence as per any provisions of Criminal Law/Banking law etc. against them for taking a decision regarding their membership.
The Member shall behave with courtesy and respect to all people including the fellow Members, Teachers as well as those who are associated with I.Esma.
Compliance with Law :
The members shall comply with and are guided by all the provisions of the said Rules, whenever applicable. They should also follow and obey the policies, procedures, rules and regulations relating to all guidelines of I.Esma, as may be published from time to time.
Accordingly the members will have to observe discipline in all respect and should not act such a member that would ultimately detrimental not only to the interest of I.Esma but also the other members.
For FY 2025-2026
Discount on Primary Membership renewal last date has been extended upto 31st March 2025, members can renew their membership with RVO ESMA Foundation in due time to avoid further complications.