Editor’s Column


Since the establishment of Insolvency & Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI) on 1 October 2016 the total scenario of valuation of property/plant & machinery or security & finance has been changed a lot. And it is of course due to the involvement of and initiative taken by IBBI. RVO-ESMA Foundation as a responsible RVO aims at a regular knowledge updating for its valuable registered members as well as all the valuation professionals of India and abroad. With these objectives our RVO has ventured to launch an online publication under the title of E-Notes at a regular interval.  Hoped, that the venture will prove as an efficient measure for professional development and its impact will be felt in the long run in the field of valuation in all three asset classes mentioned above.

Few approaches of professional development include the steps like study, learning, practice, improvement, consultation, reflection and expression.  Our main intention is to encourage our registered members, eminent and experienced valuation professionals and researchers to express their views, experience and findings in relation to their profession. Our keen desire is to make it performing as a forum for exchange your valuable views and ideas and at the same time, the aspirants and professionals both will be able to augment their knowledge relevant to their field which they would be able to successfully apply in valuation of any project.

The Registered members are invited to publish their articles in E-Notes and it has been decided that they will earn points under Continuous Education Programme (CEP). We will try our level best to publish it on quarterly basis. Well wishes from all corners are our main force to achieve our goal. 


For FY 2025-2026

Discount on Primary Membership renewal last date has been extended upto 31st March 2025, members can renew their membership with RVO ESMA Foundation in due time to avoid further complications.